
homepage Matched route

Route Parameters

No parameters.

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /
# Route name Path Log
1 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
2 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
3 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
4 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
5 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
6 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
7 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
8 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
9 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
10 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
11 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
12 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
13 new /admin/activite/new Path does not match
14 indexAct /admin/activite/index Path does not match
15 act_edit /admin/activite/{id}/edit Path does not match
16 activite_delete /admin/activite/delete/{id} Path does not match
17 admin homepage /admin/index Path does not match
18 admin flot /admin/flot Path does not match
19 admin morris /admin/morris Path does not match
20 admin table /admin/table Path does not match
21 admin form /admin/form Path does not match
22 admin blank /admin/{slug}/social Path does not match
23 admin panels /admin/panels Path does not match
24 admin buttons /admin/buttons Path does not match
25 admin notifications /admin/notifications Path does not match
26 admin typo /admin/typo Path does not match
27 admin icons /admin/icons Path does not match
28 admin grid /admin/grid Path does not match
29 admin afa /admin/{slug}/afa Path does not match
30 admin_pannuaire /admin/annuaire Path does not match
31 api dataverse /api/dataverse Path does not match
32 api_dataverse_more /api/dataverseMore Path does not match
33 api_agritrop /api/agritrop Path does not match
34 searchByName /admin/auteur/searchByName Path does not match
35 searchByAuteurInDoc /admin/auteur/searchByAuteurInDoc Path does not match
36 createAuteur /admin/auteur/createAuteur Path does not match
37 admin_blog /blog/index Path does not match
38 see_blog /blog/see/{id} Path does not match
39 edit_blog /blog/edit/{id} Path does not match
40 delete_blog /blog/delete/{id} Path does not match
41 admin cartography2 /admin/cartography Path does not match
42 countries /admin/countries Path does not match
43 mada /admin/mada Path does not match
44 lac /admin/lac Path does not match
45 density /admin/density Path does not match
46 country /admin/country Path does not match
47 coordonnees /admin/coordonnees Path does not match
48 client_index /admin/client/ Path does not match
49 client_find /admin/client/findClient Path does not match
50 client_new /admin/client/new Path does not match
51 client_see /admin/client/seeClient/{clKey} Path does not match
52 client_modify /admin/client/modifyClient/{clKey} Path does not match
53 interlocuteur_auto /admin/client/autocompleteinterlocuteur Path does not match
54 interlocuteurlims_auto /admin/client/autocompleteinterlocuteurlims Path does not match
55 societe_auto /admin/client/autocompletesociete Path does not match
56 societelims_auto /admin/client/autocompletesocietelims Path does not match
57 ville_auto /admin/client/autocompleteville Path does not match
58 doc_addOnglet /admin/addOnglet Path does not match
59 doc_indbb /admin/indbb/{id} Path does not match
60 doc_indbbonglet /admin/indbbOnglet/{id} Path does not match
61 doc_getcolumn /admin/getcolumn/{id} Path does not match
62 doc_getcolumnonglet /admin/getcolumnOnglet/{id} Path does not match
63 doc_gettype /admin/getType/{id} Path does not match
64 deleteOngletCSV /admin/deleteOnglet Path does not match
65 doc_gettypeOnglet /admin/getTypeFile/{id} Path does not match
66 doc_addToDb /admin/addToDb/{id} Path does not match
67 doc_editDb /admin/editDb/{id} Path does not match
68 doc_file /admin/seeDoc/{id} Path does not match
69 edp_seedocajax /admin/seedocajax Path does not match
70 datausertype_index /datausertype/ Path does not match
71 datausertype_new /datausertype/new Path does not match
72 datausertype_show /datausertype/{id} Path does not match
73 datausertype_edit /datausertype/{id}/edit Path does not match
74 datausertype_delete /datausertype/{id} Path does not match
75 datamart_see /admin/datamart/see Path does not match
76 datamart_seelims /admin/datamart/seelims Path does not match
77 datamart_load /admin/datamart/load Path does not match
78 datamart_loadlims /admin/datamart/loadlims Path does not match
79 datamart_exportCSV /admin/datamart/exportCSV Path does not match
80 datamart_exportCSVlims /admin/datamart/exportCSVlims Path does not match
81 datamart_modifys /admin/datamart/modifyDatamart/{id} Path does not match
82 datamart_nouvellepresentation /admin/datamart/nouvellepresentation Path does not match
83 datamart_load_limsI_echantillon /admin/datamart/loadLimsIEchantillon Path does not match
84 datamart_update /admin/datamart/update Path does not match
85 datamart_get_column_list_I /admin/datamart/getColumnListI Path does not match
86 datamart_get_column_list_II /admin/datamart/getColumnListII Path does not match
87 datamart_get_column_list_I_echantillon /admin/datamart/getColumnListIEchantillon Path does not match
88 vca_default_index /tititititi Path does not match
89 admin_diapo /diapo/index Path does not match
90 delete_diapo /diapo/delete/{id} Path does not match
91 edit_diapo /diapo/edit/{id} Path does not match
92 doc_delete /admin/deleteDoc/{id} Path does not match
93 doc_share /admin/shareDoc/{id}/{share} Path does not match
94 doc_download /admin/downloadDoc/{id} Path does not match
95 edit_csv /admin/editCsv/{id} Path does not match
96 dossier_index /admin/dossier/ Path does not match
97 dossier_new /admin/dossier/new Path does not match
98 dossier_see /admin/dossier/seeDossier/{doKey} Path does not match
99 dossier_modify /admin/dossier/modifyDossier/{doKey} Path does not match
100 dossier_find /admin/dossier/findDossier Path does not match
101 dossier_auto /admin/dossier/autocompletedossier Path does not match
102 dossierlims_auto /admin/dossier/autocompletedossierlims Path does not match
103 origine_auto /admin/dossier/autocompleteorigine Path does not match
104 doNatureEchant_auto /admin/dossier/autocompletenatureechant Path does not match
105 admin_monedp /admin/monedp Path does not match
106 edp_loadajax /admin/monedploadajax Path does not match
107 addThemeGroupe /addThemeGroupe Path does not match
108 editThemeGroupe /editThemeGroupe Path does not match
109 admin_download /admin/downloadFolder/{id}/{check} Path does not match
110 admin_showfolder /admin/showFolder/{id} Path does not match
111 admin_editfolder /admin/editFolder/{id} Path does not match
112 admin documentation /admin/documentation Path does not match
113 admin rechargeDoc /admin/rechargeDoc Path does not match
114 rechercheDocs /admin/rechercheDocs Path does not match
115 dos_delete /admin/deleteDos/{id} Path does not match
116 dos_alldelete /admin/deleteAllDos/{id} Path does not match
117 dos_share /admin/shareDos/{id}/{share} Path does not match
118 gestionrep /admin/gestionrep Path does not match
119 deletemyrep /admin/deletemyrep/{id} Path does not match
120 deletesmyrep /admin/deletesmyrep/{id} Path does not match
121 my_groupement /admin/groupement/index Path does not match
122 grp_loadajax /admin/groupement/loadajax Path does not match
123 grp_modifyajax /admin/groupement/modifyajax Path does not match
124 grp_modifyexpajax /admin/groupement/modifyexpajax Path does not match
125 grp_modify /admin/groupement/edit/{id} Path does not match
126 rechercheExploitation /admin/groupement/rechercheExploitation Path does not match
127 exportcsv /admin/groupement/exportcsv Path does not match
128 indeaaaaadmin_importkobo /import/index Path does not match
129 index_koboadmin_importkobo /importkobo/index Path does not match
130 homepage / Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.